
Main nations sinking process into the sea

Main nations sinking process into the sea due to cataclysm for general cleaning of Earth

Information from the Space blocks control World:
In the USA, in the end of February, 2012 sink into the sea the whole US's East being the eastern side from the line of Chicago and the western coast of FL peninsla, and together with it CA State too.
And Israel - in March, 2012. 

In Kanada, the South to Port Nelson sinks into the sea in April, 2012.

EU nations: The UK, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Benelux, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Swiss. etc. sink into the sea in April~May, 2012.

In China the whole East consisting of the east side of the line of Peking and Hongkong sinks into the sea in April~May, 2012.

In Australia the East consisting of the east side of the line from the west of Normanton to PortAugusta sinks into the sea in May,2012.
In Japan, the West Japan from Nagoya to Okinawa sink into the sea in mid-to late May 2012. And the East Japan sinks into the sea in mid-June, 2012.
In Russia the West consisting of the region between the line of S.Peterburg, Moscow and Rostov and the line of Kaliningrad and Odessa sinks into the sea in June,2012. Therefore, Ukraina, Belorussia, 3 Baltic countries, etc. sink into the sea.

This is the earth crust cataclysm of Earth in the first half of 2012.

However, the being which is resembling to the so-called Satan who is working always under laisser-faire may intervene in the cataclysm process, and the process may suffer turns temporarily.

Transition to a Nazist nation of USA  - In respect to an AFP's article "Prominent Jewish Leader: Assassinate Barack Obama"
Jan. 31, 2012       According to a cosmo-info due to a order by the US's dictator Jay Rockefeller B. Obama will be assassinated in March, 2012.
     L. Panetta will be the new president and the US will be a Nazist nation finally.
     Already almost all conditions for transition to Nazist nation are standby, as NDAA(National Defense Authorization Act) caried in Congress latest abolished the Constitution of the USA, this new system enables L. Panetta to arest civilians, detain them indefinitely without trial and advocacy, and 200 concentration camps are already standby nationalwide in the USA.

Breakdown of provocation for WWⅢ by the worldwide biggest agressive terrorist nation, USA imperialism

Nov. 15, 2011
     According to a Newsland.ru (Jan.9,2012), as before also resembling cases took place, Pentagon's boss L.Panetta admitted at the interview with AP on Jan.6, 2012 that Iran doesn't have a project on nuclear weapon development. CBS TV announced it in a program "Face the Nation"in Jan.8, 2012.
     Why? Because following the order of US's dictator Jay Rockefeller the puppet Obama Administration made aircraft carrier John Stennis invade into Persian Gulf in the end of Dec.,2011 where Iranian navy was in the process of defense maneuvers, and to check this provocation of the WWⅢ the Space blocks control world took the proper measures, and John Stennis was suffered material decomposition and vanishment temporarily.
     Jay Rockefeller, Obama and Panetta fell into shock and confusion.
     But A. Rockefeller gave a new order to puppets Obama and Panetta, and he made aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln invade into Persian Gulf on Jan.24,2012 alternately with John Stennis for the new war provocation without approval by the Congress.
     According to a Cosmo-info, by the measures on vanishment to check the new aggressive war against Iran of US's imperialism by the Space blocks control world Abraham Lincoln and John Stennis were liquidated on Jan.24,2012, i.e. those were redused to elementary particles by material decomposition.
     US's Military Intelligence Units and CIA are taking biggest measures on medias control strenuously.
     However, a British proverb says "A fact is stubborn". No truth that doesn't issue to the surface, points out the Bible.