
Alert from the Creators: US dollar will collapse soon
Massive cataclysms will bring collapse of USA

Claim of "Before It's News" on necessity of emigration is right 
Nov. 5, 2017  T. Tatsmaki (Japan)
   According to a notice from the Creators, the Earth exists in the border of the Galaxy cosmos, and was the exile planet from the ancient times. The 3-D planets and the 3-D Earth created by a evil being in the Creators' world - all of them are the evil worlds.
   A notice from the Creators: Illuminati consisting of Rothschilds' clique and their stooges: Rockefellers' clique was swept away by the Creators in the end of May, 2017.
   The US dollar will collapse soon. Dollar will become mere empty figures.
   It will bring the worldwide financial crisis.
   Then, NY, SF and LA will collapse near due to the massive earthquakes from M9.2 to M10.
   Moreover, Yellowstone Supervolcano of 3 states scale in the US West and other 4 large volcanoes will erupt, and volcanic ash accumulates over 7 m on all States of the US.
   Thereby, the US empire being the worldwide fort of plutocratic slave domination of Earthers will collapse. The "Before It's News" site stated: Emigrate While You Still Can ! That's right.  
   Meanwhile, on the planet Erra of the Pleiades occurred the revolution about 50000 yrs ago. Then, exiled criminal humanoids have come flying to Iraq and Britain island through the planet Nibiru, and they created the new slave society with gene manipulation of Earthers. They were so-called Sumerian civilization and ancient Anglo-Saxons' British and later American civilizations.

   In our times, the Earth and about 20000 planets of evil and corrupt civilizations will be swept away by the Creators near, and they will transit to new 5-D planets from the corrent 3-D.
   On 5-D planets there are humanoids having the light bodies with 12 DNAs, and they live on cosmic energy from the Creators. There are no illness and no crimes.
   Their life span is about 2000 years. They can create and vanish small objects, as a indian Sai Baba once created a wrist watch of Seiko brand made in Japan and a rice bowl in a Japanese TV image.     

D. Trump was swept away by the Creators

Sept. 25, 2017
According to a notice from the Creators,
USA President D. Trump was one of  shape-shifters of reptilian humanoids of a planet in the Lizard (4-D reptile type humanoids covered whole bodies with scales).
They are stooges of draconian lizards of a planet in the Draco (5-D flying lizards with 2 legs, each,: The official emblem of UK capital London City). 
He promoted to cause the WW3 through the 2nd Korean war (KW2). He, D. Trump stated openly that he will annihilate North Korea by military attack. But, the WW3 through the KW2 is never allowed by the Creators.
Thereby, D. Trump
 was swept away by the Creators past 14:00pm of September 23, 2017.

Alart from the Creators:
USA will collapse near
Sep. 12, 2017

According to a notice from the Creators,  
In the US West CA state, SF city and LA city, and in the East NY there will occur massive earthquakes of M9.1~M9.2.
Thereby, these largest cities will cpllapse near.

   Then, in the US West, Yellowstone Supervolcano of 3 states scale and other 4 major volcanoes will erupt. Volcanic ashes will pile up more than 7 m in all the US.
   Thereby, the worldwide fort of plutocratic slave domination of Earthians by shapeshifters of reptilian humanoids of a planet in the Lizard, USA will collapse.

   The US site Before It's News has written: Americans had better evacuate.That's right.   
   Ruling layers of all nations on the Earth are shapeshifters of reptilian humanoids of a planet in the Lizard (4-D reptile type humanoids covered whole bodies with scales). They are stooges of draconian lizards of a planet in the Draco (5-D flying lizards with 2 legs: the official emblem of the UK capital London city). The Earth has been taken over by them.
   Thereby, these planets of the Lizard and the Draco were swept away by the Creators on April 11, 2017.

   Moreover, the Earth and about 20,000 planets of evil and corrupt civilizations will be swept away by the Creators in October, 2017. Thereby, these planets will transit to the 5-D planets, humanoids and their societies.
   On 5-D planets there are humanoids having the light bodies with 12 DNAs, and they live on cosmic energy from the Creators. There are no racism, no poverty, no illness and no crimes, etc. Their life span is about 2000 yrs. They can create and vanish small objects, as a Indian Sai Baba once created a wrist watch of Japanese Seiko brand and a rice bowl in a Japanese TV image.

CIA and CIAJ tried to assassinate the writer of these articles, and they organized assasination groups of 4 people, each, and dispatched them. But they were swept away by the Creators 12 times till now. In the US and Japan there are no human rights, no freedom of speech and no democracy de facto.
The defiance against the Creators by criminals is never allowed.
In USA the new civil war and the new American workers' revolution will occur and win near.

Main task of 21st century society and all social change movements 
- Aim at transition to the new society of everything gratuitous services !
Otherwise, the General cleaning of Earth is imminent                     Sep.2, 2017; Renewal: Sep.5
   All movements for change of societies on the Earth are buried in the plutocratic slave life under the capitalist system of plutocratic slave domination tyranny, and both Japanese Opposition parties and labor unions decay by activities of slight reformism.
   Why don't they aim at abolishment of the plutocratic slave domination tyranny?
   British Princess Diana was killed under the pretense of an automobile accident after having told a close friend that British king's family members are shapeshifters of reptilian humanoids.
   The takeover ruler of the Earth: The planet of reptilian humanoids (4-D reptile type humanoids covered whole bodies with scales) of the Lizard and its boss: a planet of draconian lizards (5-D flying lizards with 2 legs: the official emblem of UK capital London coty) - those were swept away on April 11, 2017 by the Creators.
[Important Information]

    Illuminati consisting of Rothchilds' clique and their stooges: Rockefellers' clique which are shapeshifters of reptilian humanoids of the Lizard were swept away in the end of May, 2017 by Creators and disappeared.
   In Germany, a large social group is promoting the movement for "Living without Money!" and struggles.
   In the UK SPGB and CPGB: The British Socialist Party and the British Communist Party are promoting the movemet for the strategic goal of "Abolish Money!". 

British workers are staged a demo under a banner of "Abolish Money!" in London against G8 summit.
   However, Japanese are lagging behind them.   Japanese Opposition parties have cover up these important informations in the human history due to the 
plutocratic slave imbecile thought that is spreaded by education systems,  parties, cooperatives, MSMs: NHK and commercial broadcast stations, labor unions, etc. These are information crimes. It is impermissible by social justice.
   Chairman of JCP Kazuo Shii stated openly in late years: "we aim at the reform within the framework of the capitalist system" in Japan, and he made JCP to go over to the side of imperialism. 
   The U.S. imperialism has forced a major military exercises by the US-S.Korean allied forces of  200,000 people scale every year for two months from Mar.1 till May 1 and continues warmongering military exercises to WW3 through the 2nd Korean War (KW2) . 

   They are continuing the similar warmongering military exercises from Aug. 21, 2017.
acing the crisis of the national life and death,t
he small country North Korea carries out launch tests of ICBM and IRBM to the US. Underground nuclear test in the North-east of N.Korea is neuclear warhead explosion tests to the US.
   Japanese homeland traitor to the US Abe Admin, MSMedias, the ruling and Opposition parties have criticized N.Korea one-sidedly and virtually support the warmongering to KW2 by the US imperialism aiming at WW3.
   The leadership of China demanded to stop the military exercises by allied forces of the US and SKorea.

President of RF Putin stated on Sep. 5, 2017 that the crisis of NKorea can lead to the catastrophe of the Earth. EMP warheads of NKorea, Russia and China enable to turn the US into barbarous society due to destruction of all electro-magnetic social infrastructures.
   However, both KW2 and WW3 are never permitted by the Creators. According to a notice from the Creators,

Yellowstone Supervolcano of 3 states scale in the US West and other 4 major volcanoes will erupt in Oct. 2017, and volcanic ashes more than 7m will pile up all over the US, and the US empire being the worldwide fortress of plutocratic slave domination of humankind will be annihilated.
   The Creators have given everything gratuitouly. Therefore, the Earth must transit to the new society of everything gratuitous services.
   But, the Earth is under tyranny of plutocratic slave domination, as the Earth is under takeover domination by reptilian humanoids of a planet in the Lizard, which is stooges of draconian lizards of the planet in the Draco.
   Therefore, these planets were swept away for normalization of the cosmic order by the Creators on April 11, 2017.        
   Thus, the Earth and about 20,000 planets of evil and corrupt civilizations will be swept away by the Creators in October, 2017. After that, these planets will transit to the 5-D planets and societies.
   On 5-D planets there are humanoids having the light bodies with 12 DNAs, and they live on cosmic energy from the Creators. There are no illness and no crimes. Their life span is about 2000 years. They can create and vanish small objects, as a indian Sai Baba once created a wrist watch of Seiko brand made in Japan and a rice bowl in a Japanese TV image.


Military exercises aiming at KW2 and WW3 by the joint forces of the US and SKorea were annihilated by the Creators' sanctions 
    The joint US-South Korean forces are conducting massive provocative military exercises near the border with DPRK from Aug. 21, 2017, aiming at the 2nd Korean War (KW2) and WW3.
    The military exercises of joint US-SK forces are aiming at the occupation of DPRK, overthrow of its regime, the killing of Kim JongUn,  the colonization of the North, the unification of the colonized   Korean Peninsula and at the expansion of the war to China and Russia.
    This provocative military exercises have been continued from Aug.21 by the US Admin of D.Trump being a shapeshifter of a reptilian humanoid (a 4-dimensional reptile type humanoid covered whole body with scales).
    It was expressed in his speech that makes it understand so in the US and abroad.
    If the KW2 occurs, Japanese Okinawa island, Kyushu island and other US military bases in Japanese Honshuu island will undergo missile attacks from the NKorea. At that case, explosion of Japanese Nuke plants is possible. It is highly likely that Japan will suffer the massive disaster by radioactive materials, being carried on the westerlies. Far East countries will also suffer radioactive materials disasters. USA and  Canada suffer nuclear disasters beyond the Pacific Ocean too.
    But it is never allowed by the Creators.
    According to a notice from the Creators, the Joint US・SKorean forces was annihilated in the morning of Aug. 24, 2017 (JPN time) by sanctions  of the Creators.

A notice from the Creators:

★The 2nd Korean war for WW3 by USA imperialism is never allowed by the Creators★All nukes were swept away all over the world in 2008, till now too, beginning with USA

But, Main stream medias are covering up its fact  It's causing the social unrest

★The Doomsday of USA and the Earth comes soon
T. Tatsmaki (Japan) 
JPN Time Aug. 14, 2017
   According to a new notice from the Creators,

★ As the US president D. Trump stated, the Trump US Admin is promoting the beginning of 2nd Korean war, aiming at WW3 in fact. But, whenever those are permitted by the Creators.
Sanctions are inevitable.
   Already all nukes have been swept away all over the world in 2008, including till now, beginning with US nukes.
The START-2 was its political maneuver of USA and Russia.  F
or political performance to keep the international hegemony, the US main stream medias are covering up the fact too. It's causing the social unrest in the US too, though NKorea can't realize to product nuclear warheads, launch them by ICBM and hit the US. But, ICBM can hit the US by EMP warheads, enabling to destruct electric social infrastructures, bringing the barbarous society.
   Therefore, it's necessary to stop provocative military exercises of 200 thou. people scale by the allied forces of the US and S.Korea from March 1 till May 1, every year nearby the border of N.Korea for ocupation of NKorea, overthrow of NKorean regime, murder of Kim Jon-un, colonized unification of Korean peninsula, which becomes the massive threat against NKorean nation's survival. 

★ Meanwhile, Yellowstone Supervolcano of 3 States scale in the US West and other 4 large volcanoes cause massive eruptions in August, 2017, right soon.
Thereby, the volcanic ashes cover all US States at hight over 7m, which becomes the Doomsday of USA. Thus, imperialistic USA, the worldwide fort of plutocratic slave domination of Earthlings is annihilated by the Creators having given everything gratuitously for Earth too.   Americans will be better to evacuate from the US.

★ At the same time, in Japan Mt. Fuji cause the massive eruption at the mt. South side. Tokyo and the Kanto region around Tokyo suffer annihilation.

   In the South of GB a volcano causes the massive eruption and the GB South sinks into the sea. The massive tsunami over 100m overtakes the EU countries, which cause the annihilation of these nations. 

   The East and West of China sink into the sea. The Korean peninsula sinks into the sea. The North and the East of Australia sink into the sea. Moscow and St. Petersburg sink into the sea.
 ★ The Earth has been taken over by the shapeshifters of reptilian humanoids of the Lizard (4-D reptile type humanoids covered whole bodies with scales). They are stooges of draconian lizards of the Draco (5-D flying lizards with 2 legs: the official emblem of the UK capital London city). All ruling layers of every nations are shapeshifters of reptilian humanoids of the Lizard. Princess of Wales, Diana assassinated under the pretense of a car accident, as she speaked her friend about the true identity of British royal family 
members as reptilian humanoids' shapeshifters.   
   The above said evil planets of the Lizard and the Draco were swept away by the Creators on April 11, 2017.  
   The Earth and about 20000 planets of evil, corrupt civilizations are swept away by the Creators for normalization of the cosmic order, and they transit to the 5-D planets and humanoids. 5-D humanoids have light bodies with 12 DNAs, their lifespan reaches 2000 yrs old. They can create and vanish small objects, they get education till 100 yrs old, including univercities and postgraduate institutes.     

A notice from the Creators:
The Doomsday of USA and the Earth comes soon
  T. Tatsmaki (Japan)  JPN Time Aug. 13, 2017
   According to a new notice from the Creators,
   Yellowstone Supervolcano of 3 States scale in the US West and other 4 large volcanoes cause exceedingly massive eruptions in August, 2017, right soon.
   Thereby, the volcanic ashes cover all US States at hight over 7m, which becomes the Doomsday of USA. Thus, imperialistic USA, the worldwide fort of plutocratic slave domination of Earthlings is annihilated by the Creators having given everything gratuitously for Earth too.
   Americans had better conduct evacuation from USA.
At the same time, in Japan Mt. Fuji cause the massive eruption at the midway of its West side. Tokyo and the Kanto region around Tokyo suffer annihilation.
   In the South of GB a volcano causes the massive eruption and the GB South sinks into the sea. The massive tsunamis over 100m overtakes the EU countries, which cause the annihilation of these nations. 
   The East and West of China sink into the sea. The Korean peninsula sinks into the sea. The East and the South of Australia sink into the sea. Moscow and St. Petersburg sink into the sea. 
   Then, the Earth and about 20000 planets of evil, corrupt civilizations are swept away by the Creators for normalization of the cosmic order, and they transit to the 5-D planets and humanoids. 5-D humanoids have light bodies with 12 DNAs, their lifespan reaches 2000 yrs old. They can create and disappear small objects, they get education till 100 yrs old, including univercities and postgraduate courses. 


In USA new civil war and new workers' Revolution occur and win

But, Socialism was the nation-capitalist system for preservation of plutocratic slave domination 
It's never allowed by the Creators  General cleaning of Earth is near

July 7, 2017 T. Tatsmaki (Japan)

   Socialism of Marxism was one of reformist forms within the framework of the capitalist system's plutocratic slave domination, since socialism was the Nation-Capitalist system of whole one domination, like the ex Soviet Union, current China, etc. have shown. Why?
   Because Karl Marx was a son of a German advocate who was a shapeshifter of Reptilian-humanoid of the Lizard (4-D reptile type humanoid covered whole body with scales) being the invader-dominator of the Earth from ancient times, and K. Marx's wife was Reptilian's shapeshifter. K. Marx was a shapeshifter of reptilian humanoid too. F.Engels was a shapeshifter of Reptilian-humanoid, just as V.I.Lenin, I.V.Stalin, N.S. Khrushchov, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, etc. They worked to preserve the capitalist system's plutocratic slave domination by Reptilian-humanoids as the Nation-capitalism.
   Flying disks and spacecrafts coming from the Galaxy Federation of advanced civilization planets, where are no evil and corrupt monetary system's tyranny, are implying the future of the Earth. Thus, British workers stated a demonstration under a banner of "Abolish Money!" in London against G8 summit. They became the avant-garde of the liberation movement of the Earth and Eartians.
   According to a notice from the Creators of the Space blocks control world, the New American People's Revolution is occurs and wins nearby. But dictators of the USA, i.e. Rockefellers' clique is trying to distort the new US revolution to fake socialism type of the ex Soviet Union, current China, etc. which was and are the Nation-capitalism for preservation of plutocratic slave domination by reptilian humanoids.
    Do struggle for transition to the new society of everything gratuitous services in all areas of social life, following the Destiny of the Creators and the planets' development law.
   In USA the new civil war occurs soon. And the new American workers' revolution will win. Then, in Russia the new people's revolution will win.   The situation in France can change suddenly towards revolution too in the process of revolutions in USA and Russia. Thus, the new people's revolution will occur and win in France.

   In UK the new people's revolution will occur and win under influences of revolutions in USA, Russia and France. In EU too, in Germany, Belgium, etc. the new people's revolution will occur and win. In Asia too, in Philippine, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc. new people's revolutions will occur and win. 
   Earthers must realize transition to the new society of everything gratuitous services in all areas of social life, following the Destiny of the Creators and the law of planets development.

   About 20,000 planets of advanced civilizations, where no such evil and corrupt civilization of plutocratic slave domination as Earth, expect the new revolution of Earth. They have dispatched flying saucers to Earth and are watching the situation of Earth. Recently, pleiadian humanoids' group has landed on USA. They may give aids for progress of Eath under the control of the Creators. But, it's too late. The leadership of the Galaxy Federation of planets
   On the other hand, the cleanup of Earth is being promoted by the
Creators which have given everything gratuitously for Earth too, as Earth is under the evil and corrupt tyranny of the plutocratic slave domination by shapeshifters of reptilian humanoids. About 20,000 planets of evil and corrupt civilizations, including Earth and its take-over planets of the Lizard and its boss: the Draco (the official emblem of UK capital London), will be swept away from our Space soon.   
Meanwhile, in the process when we wrote articles on criticism against US imperialism in Japanese, English and Russian editions of our sites and in various international sites many times, CIA and JCIA dispatched assassination teams against me even 11 times till April 14, 2017.
   But they were annihilated by the Creators as rebellion criminals and they were redused to elementary particles. Such rebellion crime against the Creators must not be repeated. Otherwise, they will suffer decisive sanctions by the Creators.

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